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Gulf of Cambay

  • 1 Gulf of Cambay

    1) Общая лексика: Камбейский залив
    2) География: Камбейский залив (Аравийское м., побережье п-ова Индостан), Камбейский (зал.)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Gulf of Cambay

  • 2 Gulf of Cambay

    Камбейский залив (Аравийское м., побережье п-ова Индостан)

    Англо-русский географический словарь > Gulf of Cambay

  • 3 Cambay

    НБАРС > Cambay

  • 4 Cambay

    сущ.; геогр.
    2) ( Gulf of Cambay) Камбейский залив (в северной части Аравийского моря, у западных берегов Индии)

    Англо-русский современный словарь > Cambay

  • 5 Gulf of Khambhat

    Англо-русский современный словарь > Gulf of Khambhat

  • 6 Камбейский залив

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Камбейский залив

  • 7 Камбейский залив

    1) General subject: Gulf of Cambay
    2) Geography: Gulf of Cambay (Аравийское м., побережье п-ова Индостан), Bay of Cambay, Gulf of Khambhat

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Камбейский залив

  • 8 Камбейский

    Geography: Gulf of Cambay (зал.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Камбейский

  • 9 नर्मन् _narman

    नर्मन् n. [नॄ-मनिन्]
    1 Sport, amusement, diversion, merriment, pleasure, amorous pastime or sport; जित- कमले विमले परिकर्मय नर्मजनकमलकं मुखे Gīt.12. (कौतुकजनक); R.19.28.
    -2 Jest, joke, humour, wit; सुहृत्प्रयुक्ता इव नर्मवादाः Ki.17.33. नर्मप्रायाभिः कथाभिः K.7; 'jocular, hu- morous'.
    -Comp. -आलापः a jocular conversation.
    -उक्तिः a facetious expression.
    -कीलः a husband.
    -गर्भ a. humorous, full of humour, witty.
    (-र्भः) 1 a secret lover.
    -2 an action of the hero in an unrecognizable form.
    - a. delighting, making happy; नन्दसूनुरनघे तव वत्सो नर्मदः प्रणयिनां विजहार Bhāg.1.35.2. (
    -दः) a jester (= नर्मसचिव q. v.).
    -दा N. of a river which rises in the Vindhya mountain, and falls into the gulf of Cambay.
    -द्युति a. bright with joy, cheerful, merry. (
    -तिः f.) enjoyment of a joke.
    -सचिवः, -सुहृद् m. 'a pleasure-companion', an associate of the amusements of a prince or a man of rank; न नर्मसचिवैः सार्धं किञ्चिदप्य- प्रियं वदेत् Kām. इदं त्वैदंपर्यं यदुत नृपतेर्नर्मसचिवः सुतादाना- न्मित्रं भवतु Māl.2.7; तां याचते नरपतेर्नर्मसुहृन्नन्दनो नृपमुखेन 1.11; Śi.1.59.
    -साचिव्यम् 1 amusement; flattery.
    -2 superintendence of a prince's amusements.
    -स्फूर्जः (in drama) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending alarm.
    -स्फोटः the first symptoms of love.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > नर्मन् _narman

  • 10 मही _mahī

    मही 1 Earth; as in महीपाल, महीमृत् &c.; मही रम्या शय्या Bh.3.79.
    -2 Ground, soil; चेरतुः संयुगमहीं सासारौ जलदाविव Rām.6.17.34.
    -3 Landed property or estate, land.
    -4 A country, kingdom.
    -5 N. of a river falling into the gulf of Cambay.
    -6 (In geom.) The base of any plane figure.
    -7 A large army (Ved).
    -8 A cow; ŚB. on MS.1.3.49.
    -9 Earth (as a substance, stones, bricks &c); Ms.7.7.
    -1 Space.
    -Comp. -इनः, -ईश्वरः a king; न न महीनमहीनपराक्रमम् R.9. 5.
    -कम्पः an earthquake.
    -क्षित् m. a king, sovereign; भीष्मद्रोणप्रमुखतः सर्वेषां च महीक्षिताम् Bg.1.25; R.1.11,85; 19.2.
    -जः 1 the planet Mars; इयं महीजे विधुजे शराष्टौ Samayapradīpa.
    -2 N. of Narakāsura.
    -3 a tree. (
    -जा) N. of Sītā. (
    -जम्) wet ginger.
    -जीवा the horizon.
    -तलम् surface of the earth.
    -दुर्गम् an earth fort; Ms. 7.7.
    -धरः 1 a mountain; महीधरं मार्गवशादुपेतम् R.6.52; Ku.6.89.
    -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -ध्रः 1 a mountain; महीध्रादुत्तुङ्गादवनिमवनेश्चापि जलधिम् Bh.2.1; Śi.15.54; R.3.6;13.7.
    -2 a symbolical expression for the number, 'seven'.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu
    -नाथः, -पः, -पतिः, -पालः, -पुरन्दरः, -भुज् m.,
    -मघवन् m.,
    -महेन्द्रः a king; अलं महीपाल तव श्रमेण R.2.34; तां प्रत्यभिव्यक्तमनो- रथानां महीपतीनां प्रणयाग्रदूत्यः 6.12; प्रविश्य कृष्णासदनं महीभुजा Ki.1.26; also Śāhendra.2.82.
    -पतनम् humble obei- sance (as by falling on the ground.)
    -पुत्रः, -सुतः, -सूनुः 1 the planet Mars; तनयकृताश्च शुचो महीसुते Bṛi. S.
    -2 epithets of the demon Naraka.
    -पुत्री, -सुता an epithet of Sītā.
    -पृष्ठम् the surface of the earth.
    -प्रकम्पः an earthquake.
    -प्ररोहः, -रुह् m.,
    -रुहः a tree; अकुसुमान् दधतं न महीरुहः Ki.5.1; Śi.2.49.
    -प्राचीरम्, -प्रावरः the sea.
    -भर्तृ m. a king.
    -भृत् m.
    1 a mountain; अथ जयाय नु मेरुमहीभृतः Ki.5.1.
    -2 a king, sovereign.
    -मण्डलम् 1 the circumference of the earth.
    -2 the whole earth.
    -लता an earthworm.
    -सुरः a Brāhmaṇa.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > मही _mahī

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gulf of Cambay — geographical name see Khambhat, Gulf of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Marine archaeology in the Gulf of Cambay — Marine archeology in the Gulf of Cambay now known as the Gulf of Khambhat centers around controversial findings made in December 2000 by the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT). The structures and artifacts discovered by NIOT are the… …   Wikipedia

  • Gulf of Khambhat — The Gulf of Khambhat (formerly known as the Gulf of Cambay) is an inlet of the Arabian Sea along the west coast of India, in the state of Gujarat. It is about 80 miles in length, and divides the Kathiawar peninsula to the west from the eastern… …   Wikipedia

  • Cambay —    An ancient port town in the Gulf of Cambay, Cambay is mentioned as one of the ports on the west coast as early as the Gupta period (320 500). It is referred to frequently in the accounts of Arab geographers as one of the Indian ports… …   Historical dictionary of Medieval India

  • gulf — gulflike, adj. gulfy, adj. /gulf/, n. 1. a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land. 2. a deep hollow; chasm or abyss. 3. any wide separation, as in position, status, or education. 4. something that engulfs or swallows up. v.t. 5. to… …   Universalium

  • Cambay,Gulf of — Cam·bay (kăm bāʹ), Gulf of See Khambhat, Gulf of. * * * …   Universalium

  • Cambay, Gulf of — geographical name see Khambhat (Gulf of) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Cambay — /kæmˈbeɪ/ (say kam bay) noun Gulf of, a gulf on the western coast of India, south east of the Kathiawar Peninsula …  

  • CAMBAY —    (31), a town and seaport N. of Bombay, on a gulf of the same name, which is fast silting up, in consequence of which the place, once a flourishing port, has fallen into decay …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Khambhat, Gulf of — or Gulf of Cambay Inlet, Arabian Sea, on the northwestern coast of India, southeast of the Kathiawar Peninsula. It is 120 mi (190 km) wide at its widest but rapidly narrows. It receives many rivers, including the Tapi and Mahi. Its orientation to …   Universalium

  • Khambhat, Gulf of — or Gulf of Cambay geographical name inlet of Arabian Sea in India N of Bombay …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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